samedi 22 septembre 2012

Secte Moon : liste des organisations 2012/ maj 2016 /list of organizations controlled by Moon

Associations de recrutement et de propagande liés à la secte Moon:


Family Federation for World Peace and Unification -(Unification Church-secte Moon)

la secte Moon utilisait avant ce sigle (en rouge ou noir).

Hyung jin Moon (Sean) qui a fait scission avec sa mère et a fondé le "sanctuary church", utilise l'ancien logo en jaune actuellement.

nota bene:

*le Global Peace Festival ou Global Peace Foundation de Hyun Jin Moon,
alias Preston Moon est classé par Steve Hassan comme secte et Preston a fait scission avec la secte Moon.

D'autre part,en 2013,il s'est opposé à des changements dans des textes moonistes "divins".Il reconnait donc toujours les doctrines de Sun myung Moon.


Associations de recrutement et de propagande liés à la secte Moon- unification Church - FFWPU:

Appuyer en meme temps sur Ctrl+f et écrivez
le nom de l'association dans la boite de dialogue.

3L Association * Stands for Love, Life and Lineage, an activity of CARP founded by Moon in 1995.

Aetna Springs Golf Course * 1600 Aetna Springs Rd., Pope Valley, CA 94756, this is owned by New Educational Development Systems, Inc.

Blessed Teens Academy *

Bridgeport International Academy * Located next to University of Bridgeport campus.

C.A.R.P. * (Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles)
Camp Sun Up *
Camp Pizza # Pennsylvania
Camp K * Santa Rosa, CA
Camp Shimjung - 1992 held at Aetna Springs Resort in Northern California.
Camp Sunrise, 10 Dock Rd., Barrytown, NY 12507, 914-758-6881
Camp Mozumdar * California
Creative Community Project (C.C.P.) #
Day of Hope Festival/Tours #
Down Home Inn # 305 W. 34th St., NY
Eden Awareness Training Center
Frontier '78, '80 #
Generation Peace Academy * Formerly known as Special Task Force (STF) it is a
character-education program of the Unification movement.
HARP. # High School Assn. for the Research of Principles

Home Church * (members go to houses to recruit)
Hope Academy * Oakland, CA
Homeland Schools * Korea
HSA-UWC, Inc. - 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-695-4122
International Black Student Alliance * CARP Project
International Family Association *
International Foundation for the Advancement of Biological Medicine, Inc. *
International Friendship Banquet
International Ideal City Project
International Leadership Seminars * A CARP project.
International Medical Leadership Seminar
International Prisoner Re-education Foundation #
International Pioneer Academy
International Re-education Foundation #
Jin A Child Care Center * Clifton, NJ
Jinsong Sunhwa Nursery School * Korea
Maine Family Federation * Formed by members of FFWPU.
Martial Arts Federation for World Peace * Washington, D.C.
New Eden Academy * Bridgeport, CT,
New Hope Academy * Landover Hills, MD
New Hope Farms (see cultural listing) equestrian center, NY
New Hope School * New Jersey
New Education Development Systems, Inc. (N.E.D.S.)
Ocean Church * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-736-3925
Ocean Church Seminar *
Peace Dream, Inc. * Incorporated as a Delaware non-profit corporation on 01/02/2009
Play Football Make Peace * 155 White Plains Rd. Suite 220 Tarrytown NY 10591 A
project of the Peace Dream Foundation
Principle Study Center * 1460 4th Street, Suite 306, Santa Monica, CA 90401
Project Volunteer *
Reiki Master Teacher, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-239-0128
Students for an Ethical Society #
Sun Hwa Academy * Texas
Sun Moon Foundation * Korea
The Divine Principle Home Study Course *
The Sunshine School * Berkeley, CA
Top Garden School * Irvington, AL
True Parents Children School of the Arts * New Jersey
UNI-CAP * (community action program)

Unification Thought Institute * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001

Unification Church Camp, Route 128, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
Unification Thought Institute * 481 8th Ave., F26, NY, NY 10001
Voices of Peace Television * Described on the IIFWP web page as “an educational media
network of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace.”
Wonwha-do Association# 305 W. 107th St., NYC 10029 212-864-2880
Wonhwa Tong-Il Moo-Do * in 2010 this martial arts organization was created by
merging Wonhwa-Do and Tong-Il Moo-Do in Korea.
World of Hope Festival #
World Medical Health Foundation * 50 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016
World Family Movement
World Mission Center -- New Yorker Hotel -- * N.Y.
World Tong-Il Moo-Do Federation * California
Youth for an Ethical Society (YES), 305 107th St., NYC 10029

Associations religieuses ou églises liés à la secte Moon:

Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Freedom *
American Conference on Religious Movements * UC funded cult apologist organization.
Corporate address: The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
American Clergy Leadership Conference *
Assembly of Worlds Religions * 481 8th Ave., NYC 212-695-0446 A project of the
International Religious Foundation, Inc.
Barrytown College on the Hudson * 30 Seminary Drive, Barrytown, NY 12507 845-752-
Blessed Life Ministry * An offshoot of Lovin’ Life Ministries
Causa Ministerial Alliance, 1153 Bush St., San Francisco, CA
Causa Ministerial Alliance, 1120 Ave. of the Americas, NYC 10026
Chinese Evangelical Assn., 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-714-9401
CIG Institute * Cheon Il Guk translates as the Kingdom of God - A project of the UTS
Alumni Association
Council for the World's Religions * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001 This is a project of the
International Religious Foundation, Inc.
Ecumenical Foundation for Community Development * -- NY
Family Church of Peace * Name used by movement.
First Amendment Research Institute * Washington, D.C.
Foundation for Unification Thought and Culture, Inc. * Virginia
Global Congress of the World's Religions *
Hannam International Research Institute * Korea
Inter Religious and International Federation for World Peace *
Interdenominational Conference of Clergy, 481 8th Ave., NYC,
International Conference Center * Seoul, Korea

Interfaith Endeavor *

International Coalition Against Racial and Religious Intolerance*
International Coalition for Religious Freedom * 7245-A Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt,
MD 20770
International Christian Students Association * Founded in 1981.
International Christian Unity, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
International One World Crusade * (I.O.W.C.)
International Christian Professors Association *
International Religious Foundation, Inc. * 481 8th Ave., NY, NY
Jewish Friendship League #
Judaism: In Service to the World *
Korean Evangelical Association * 4301 Harewood Rd. NE, WDC 20017
Los Angeles Peace Family Church * Name used by the organization in Los Angeles.
Lovin’ Life Ministries * 311 W 34
St., New York, NY 10001
Lovin’ Life Ministries * 78 Demott Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011
Lovin’ Life Ministries * 723 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591
National Council for the Church and Social Action (NCCSA) *
New ERA -- New Ecumenical Research Association * An activity of the International
Religious Foundation, Inc.
New Jerusalem Family Church * Northern New Jersey
Queens Christian Development Corporation # Queens, NY
Song Hwa Theological Seminary * Korea
Sun Myung Moon Christian Crusade
Sun Myung Moon Institute * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
Supra-denominational Christian Association # Founded 1966
The Committee to Defend the First Amendment *
The Holy Spirit Assn for the Unification of World Christianity *
The Unification Church *
The Unification Theological Seminary Alumni Association * 10 Dock Rd., Barrytown
The Unification Theological Seminary Mid-Atlantic States Alumni Association *
Incorporated in the District of Columbia.
The Unified Family
The Triad Family Church of Peace * North Carolina
The True Family Values Ministry * Project of FFWPU and HSA-UWC.
True Family Values Ministry, Inc. # Jacksonville, FL
Unification Church of America * 4 W. 43
St., NYC
Unification Church of Harlem * 116th St., NYC
Unification Church Blessed Family Dept., 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
Unification Family Church * Name used by movement.
Unification Theological Seminary, 10 Dock Rd., Barrytown, NY
United Church Federation *
United Faith, Inc. * Portland, OR
United Federation of Churches * Founded by Moon in 2001

UN Peace Forces of the Korean War Memorial Federation * Korea

World Peace Institute * A project of the Inter Religious and International Federation for
World Peace
World Scripture Project (project of IRF) *
World Youth for God, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-695-0446
Youth Seminar on World Religions *

Associations politiques liés à la secte Moon.

American Bicentennial God Bless America Committee #
American Committee for the Human Rights of Japanese Wives of North Korean
Repatriates # Members fasted for 7 days in front of the UN during a vote on whether to
remove troops from S. Korea for human rights violations, October, 1974.
American Constitution Committee * 7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 300 Falls Church, VA
American Council for Free Asia * Washington, D.C.
American Council for World Freedom *
American Family Coalition * On June 10, 2008 the organization changed its name to the
Universal Peace Federation USA, Inc. and now files IRS Form 990s under this
name. AFC Business Services, Inc. is listed as a nonexempt related organization
of the American Family Coalition, Inc. IRS Form 990 filed for the year 2007.
American Family Coalition of Iowa, Inc. *
American Family Coalition of Virginia, Inc. *
American Freedom Coalition * Offices in many states.
American Freedom Foundation, Inc. * 7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 314N, Falls Church,
VA 22043.
American Leadership Conference * Identified as a project of the American Family
Coalition and the Washington Times Foundation on the AFC web page 2/15/02.
American Parents Association *
American Youth for a Just Peace #
Asia University Federation * Sun Moon University in Korea. Offshoot of World
University Federation
Asian Ecumenical Inter-Faith Council * Philippines Causa branch.
Assn. Pro Unidad Latinoamericano, 393 5th Ave., NYC 10016
Captive Nations
Causa International Minority Alliance: 393 5th Ave., NYC 212-213-5280
Causa International # 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016 212-684-6122
Causa U.S.A. # 481 8th Ave., Rm 718, NYC 10001 212-764-7238
Causa Veterans' Association # 393 5th Ave., 4th Fl., NYC 10016
Citizen’s Association for North-South Unification * Korea
Citizen’s Federation for the Unification of the Fatherland * Founded in 1987
Coalition for a Free World *
Committee for Responsible Dialogue
Committee to Defend the U.S. Constitution #
Communist Research Group
Family Party for Universal Peace and Unity * Korean political party founded by Moon on
March 10, 2003. The inaugural Chairman was Chung-Hwang Kwak.
Federation for Cosmic Peace and Unification * Uruguay
Federation of Island Nations for World Peace * Founded by Moon in 1996.
Free Asia Foundation * Washington, D.C.
Freedom Leadership Foundation #
Global Economic Action Institute # 535 5th Ave., NYC 10017 & 1010 Vermont Ave.,
NW, #1002 Washington, D.C. 20005. This office is no longer open.
God and Freedom Rally, 4301 Harewood Rd., NE WDC, 20017
International Federation for the Victory over Communism *
Korean International Foundation for World Peace *
International Christian Professors Academy * Korea
International Commission for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea # Formed in 1991 by
the Summit Council for World Peace
International Security Council, 393 5th Ave., NYC 10016
International Women’s Federation for Victory of Communism * Korea
Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace * A project of the International Religious
Foundation, Inc.
Korean Causa of N.Y., 401 5th Ave., 7th Floor, 10016
Korean-American Political Assn * (KAPA)
Korean Professors World Peace Academy * New York City
Middle East Association # Washington, D.C.
National Prayer and Fast for the Watergate Crisis #
National Professors and Students Federation for North-South Reunification *
Professors Academy for World Peace *
Professors World Peace Academy * 38 W. 32nd St., NYC 10001 Controls the University
Of Bridgeport.
Project Unity #
Seven Northern Provinces Federation for Peace and Unification * Korea
The Summit Council for World Peace * Washington, D.C. - Administers a humanitarian
relief program to North Korea under the name Summit Council Humanitarian
Relief Fund. Changed name to The World Institute for Development and Peace,
Inc. in 1996.
The Summit Club International, Inc., 1333 New Hampshire, NW, Washington, DC,
20036; 202-293-9393 (incorporated 12/18/81 under "Supreme Council of Heads
of State & Government, name changed less than 1 month later.)
Universal Peace Federation * Founded by Moon in New York City on 09/12/2005.
Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy *
Washington Institute Press *
Women's Federation for World Peace * Moon's wife, Hak Ja Han Moon is the President.
World Anti-Communist League * (W.A.C.L.)
World Freedom Movement *
World Freedom Institute *
World Institute for Development and Peace, Inc. * 3600 New York Ave., NE, Suite 360,
Washington, DC 20002. Formerly known as the Summit Council for World
Peace, Inc. This is a Virginia corporation.
World Peace Research Institute * Korea
World University Federation * Organization was formed at a meeting of the Professors
World Peace Academy in Uruguay on February 19, 1996.

Mass Médias liés à la secte Moon :

Atlantic Video, Inc., * 650 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington DC. Founded in 1984.
Belleville Press, 401 5th Ave., NYC & 91 Terry St. & 480 Washington Ave., Belleville,
NJ (201-759-2334 (owned by News World Communications)
CARP Monthly
Causa Report # 4301 Harewood Rd., NE Wash., DC 20017
Currents, A Journal of Unificationism Thought and Culture, Washington, DC; supposedly
an "independent project" put out by its publishing committee and funded by same:
Bruce Casino, Dan Fefferman, Dan Holdgreiwe, Michael Jenkins, Robert Rand,
Justin Watson and Nancy Wright; P.O. Box 962, Riverdale, MD 20737; $20 per
year; see 12/89 Unification News.
Epoch Maker Magazine #
Free Press International, Inc., # 401 5th Ave., NY 212-532-8300
Freestate Publishing, Inc. * Subsidiary of News World Communications
Global Affairs, 905 16th St. NW, #401, Washington, DC 20006
Global Insight
Harlem Weekly, 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016; 212-532-8300
HeartWing * 12715 NE 7th Place, Vancouver, WA 98684, 206-944-7278.
Heaven & Earth newsletter
Insight Magazine
International Exchange Press *
Manhattan Magazine
Manhattan Television Center * -- 311 W. 34th St., NY, NY
Middle East Times * Cyprus
New Era Books, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-695-7562
New Future Films * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-947-2780
New Hope News -- members only
News World Communications, 3600 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006;
202-636-4836 (holding company that publishes all of the different newspapers
owned by church -- The Washington Times is printed at this location) also: 38-38
9th St., LI City, NY 11101; 718-786-3200 (church owned building in Queens
where all of NYC newspapers are printed; building houses many other church

businesses as well)
Noticias Del Mundos * 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016; 212-576-0350 DBA for Tiempos
USA Corp.
Noticias Panamerica Corp * Publishes the Tiempos del Mundo newspapers in 17 cities in
16 countries through the Americas. Douglas D.M. Joo is President.
One Way Productions # 10889 Wilshire Blvd., L.A., CA. INCHON -- $46 million film
starring Laurence Olivier, Jackie Bisset, Ben Gazzara -- about Douglas MacArthur
in Korea.
Paragon House Publishers * 866 2nd Ave., NYC; 212-223-6433 (owned by Paragon
Book Reprint Co., which is owned by International Cultural Foundation; also at
481 8th Ave.
Principle life
Queens Magazine
Renaissance for Resources (project volunteer)
Rising Tide # D.C. -- paper of the Freedom Leadership Foundation
Rose of Sharon Press, Inc. * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
Sae Gae Times * 38 W. 32nd St., Rm. 1508, NY 10001; 212-947-4770
Sae Gae Times * 5816 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL 60659
Segye Times * Korean newspaper, publishes Cosmo Woman
Sekai Nippo * 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016, 212-532-7638
Spring of Life — nutritional journal (IFABM)
Sunrise — newsletter
The New York Tribune * No longer published.
The Pacific Student Times * — 625 Front St., San Francisco, CA
The Washington Times * 3600 New York Ave., NW, WDC 20006
The Weekly Religion
Tong-Il Seigel monthly — members only
Ultimas Noticias *
Unification News, 4 W. 43rd St., NYC 10036; 212-869-8847
Unification Thought Quarterly
Unified World # (New World Forum)
United Press International * Purchased by News World Communication, Inc. May 2000.
United Press International Foundation *
Universal Voice # (International Re-education Foundation)
Visual Arts Society * c/o Joe Willett, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
Washington Golf Monthly * Published by News World Communications, Inc.
Washington Television Center * 650 Mass. Ave., NW WDC.
Washington Times Education Foundation # Washington, D.C.
Washington Times Foundation * Washington, D.C.
Washington Times National Foundation # Incorporated in 1985 in Washington, D.C.
Way of the World — monthly
World & I Magazine, 450 5th St., NW Washington, DC 20001
World Media Association * 2550 M St., NW #405, WDC 20037
World Media Conference * Sponsored by World Media Association
World Peace Herald # Published by News World Communications, Inc.
World University Times * (CARP newsletter) 481 8th Ave., NYC

Associations culturelles et sociales liés à la secte Moon :

Advisory Council to the Unification Movement (ACUMI) - joint project of International
Cultural Foundation and International Religious Foundation, holds seminars for
scholars involved in ICF & IRF to learn about Moon's teachings; Dr. Frederick
Sontag, Chairman.
African Institute for the Study of Humanistic Values *
Aid and Service International Foundation * Washington, DC
American Blessed Family Assoc. (for members only)
American Community Union * — 160 W.72nd St., NY
American Space Culture Foundation * Washington, D.C.
Artists Association for World Peace * New York City, Organization founded at the
direction of True Parents on Parents Day 1995. Initial headquarters are at the
office of the New York City Symphony.
Artists Association International # Kevin Pickard, Executive Vice President
Asian Educational Cultural Foundation # Changed name to International Cultural and
Educational Foundation (ICEF), Inc.
Association for the Research of Middle Eastern Cultures, Inc. * 4 W 43
St., NYC
Big Apple Harvest # (NY)
Boston Area Council for Church and Social Action, Inc.
Canaan Foundation, Inc. 481 8th Ave., NY 10001; 212-279-6255. Non-profit
organization, which funded the International Cultural Foundation.
Capital Gardens Children’s Center # 4301 Harewood Rd., NE, WDC
Center for Educational Media * P.O. Box 37, Emerson, NJ 07630. Richard Panzer is the
president.  This organization works with Free Teens and the World Medical
Health Foundation to promote abstinence based sex education to school districts.
They work closely with conservative Christian organizations having similar
Center for Ethical Management & Planning * Berkeley, CA
Cosmic Federation for World Peace *
Cosmic True Parents’ Foundation * Established 2000
Council on the Unified Research of Science *
Creative Community Project, Inc. * 1153 Bush St., San Francisco
D.C. Striders Track Club
Empowerment Resource Network * Fredericksburg, VA Run by David Caprara a Moon
follower and political operative. This organization is often called the
Empowerment Network in the media.
Family Center for Universal Peace and Unification * Established 2000

Family House of Cosmic Peace and Unity * Founded in 2000 by Moon

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU)* 866 United Nations
Plaza, Suite 529, New York, NY 10017; Phone 212-826-8999. Internet post by
Damian Anderson states this is the new operational name for the Unification Movement. The legal name remains 
the Holy Spirit Association for the
Unification of World Christianity,
Family Federation for Unification and World Peace *
Federation of Continental Nations for World Peace *
Federation of Island Nations for World Peace *
Federation of Peninsula Nations for World Peace * A project of the Summit Council for
World Peace.
Federation to Save the New Nation for Latin American and the Caribbean * Mentioned in
the November 1996 issue of Unification News.
Foundation for Development and Peace * An offshoot of the Thailand Family Federation
identified on their web page.
Foundation for Peace and Unification * An organization promoting Moon’s idea of a
tunnel under the Bering Strait.
Foundation for Unificationist Thought and Culture * Virginia
Free Teens * NJ, Project of the World Medical Health Foundation promoting an
abstinence based high school curriculum.
Freedom Foundation of NJ, Inc. * 395 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052
201-325-0634. This address is the American Freedom Coalition office staffed by
UC members. Organization promotes drugs and AIDS materials to schools.
Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology * Korea
Global Education Research and Development Fund, Inc. * Barrytown
Global Oceanic Food Project * 2000
Global Peace Festival Foundation * 24 Link Dr., Rockleigh, NJ 07647 An entity
controlled by Moon’s breakaway son Hyun Jin Moon.
Global Peace Youth Corps USA * 1133 19th Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC
20036 Founded by Hyun Jin Moon as an offshoot of the Global Peace Festival.
Godparents Association, Inc. # Rockville. MD
Good Neighbors, Inc. * 2600 Baynard Blvd., Wilmington, DE
Hahnemann Medical Center * a/k/a World Medical Health Foundation
Harlem Council for the Church and Community Change *
Heung Jin Moon Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc. * Washington, D.C.
Homeopathic Counsel for Research * New York City
HSA Bulletin Board (computer bulletin board) 415-968-7481 #
Institute of Korean Studies for Foreign Students * Korea
International Chinese Assn., 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-714-401; Board of
Directors: Edwin K Eng, Lova Eng Wilson, John Kung, and attorney W. Farley
Jones (all are members of UC)
International Conference of World Peace *
International Conference Center * Seoul, Korea
International Conference for the Unity of the Sciences * (ICUS) 481 8th Ave., Rm 747,
NYC 10001; 212-947-1756 (funded by International Cultural Foundation)
International Conference of Professors and Scholars *
International Conference on Law & Individual Freedom *
International Cultural and Educational Foundation * 605 East Jersey Street Elizabeth
New Jersey USA
International Cultural Foundation * (I.C.F.) 1667 K St., NW, Washington, DC 20006;
202-293-9393; also 4 W. 43rd St., NYC 10036; 212-947-1756 (funds many
church projects, especially International Conference on Unity of Sciences; sole
shareholder of Paragon House Publishers) Neil Albert Salonen, President (former
President of the Unification Church of America, 1971-80)
International Educational Foundation * 4 W 43
St., NYC 10036
International Educational Foundation of America, Inc. * 24970 Hesperian Blvd.,
Hayward, CA 94545
International Folk Ballet
International Highway Construction Corporation *
International Highway Research Center *
International Middle East Alliance * New York City
International Peace Foundation * 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043.

International Relief Friendship Foundation, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-563-3296

(Funds overseas projects in Philippines & South America) Dr. Thomas Walsh,
Director.) projets humanitaires (article en bas de page.)

International Relief Foundation * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-714-1033

International Religious Federation for World Peace *
Interracial Sisterhood Project * Northern California project of the Women’s Federation
for World Peace
Interreligious and International Peace Council * Founded 2003
Interreligious International Foundation for World Peace * Founded October 2, 2003
Inter-Religious International Student Peace Council * Founded March 2004 in Chicago
by two CARP members.
JAMII Africa * 1610 Columbia Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009
Japanese Cultural Foundation *
Japanese Heritage Foundation *
Korean Cultural Foundation * Korea
Korean Cultural & Freedom Foundation * (KCFF) Washington, DC
Lawyers Federation for World Peace and Justice *
Literary Federation for World Peace * Project of Summit Council for World Peace.
Little Angels Korean Folk Ballet *
Madison Institute * Dr. John Cooper, Director
Marriage and Family Institute of America * Founded in 1994 by David S.C. Kim.
Martin Luther King Jr. Family Life Institute *
Minority Alliance International, Inc. * Incorporated in Washington, D.C.
Middle East Alliance for World Peace * 481 8
Ave., Ste. 846, NY, NY 10001

Mongolian Peoples' Federation for World Peace * This is a project of the Interreligious

and International Federation for World Peace, and the Interreligious and
International Peace Council.
Multicultural Media Association, Inc. #
Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity * From “True Parents officially
named Gods nation as the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity (Cheon Il Guk, for
short) during his commemorative speech at the 42nd celebration of True
Childrens Day held at Sutaek-ri on November 15, 2001.”
National Parent’s Day Council * 3600 New York Ave., Washington, DC 20002. Their
web page identifies the organization as a project of the American Family
Coalition, Inc. and supported by the Washington Times Foundation. They appear
to have taken over the role of promoting Parent’s Day from the National Parent’s
Day Foundation.
New Age Players -- theatrical company -- * NY
New Age Orchestra -- San Francisco
New Family Foundation, Inc. * Maryland
New Hope Farms-Deer Park, NY (on Delaware River at juncture of NY, NJ & PA;
multi-million dollar equestrian center. Purpose: training site for Olympians; a
modern pentathlon event center; a breeding & equestrian research facility;
competition center for polo, rodeo & horse racing.
New Hope Foundation *1460 4
Street, Suite 307, Santa Monica, CA 90401
New Hope Singers International
New Jersey Parents Foundation, Inc. * Westwood
New Society Social Services #
New World Players
New World Forum * -- 300 E. 56th St., NY
New World Festival
New York City Symphony * 311 W. 34th St., NYC 10001, 212-971-9150 (funded in the
past by International Cultural Foundation), David Eaton, UC member is the
NextGen Leadership Academy * 1037 NE 65th St. Suite #116, Seattle, WA 98115
Ocean Education Institute for World Peace, Inc. * 501(c)3 organization in Jersey City.
Pacific Cultural Foundation
Peace Cup * Korean soccer tournament sponsored by Sunmoon Peace Football
Peace Dream Foundation * 481 Eight Ave. 30th fl. New York, New York 10001.
Founded by Chung Hwan Kwak. The Chairman as of 12/12/2009 is Hyun Jin
Moon. The organization promotes peace through sports.
Prince of Peace School (Principe de la Paz) * Funded by IRFF
Professors World Peace Academy, 481 8th  Ave., NYC 212-947-1756
Project Volunteer *
Pure Love Alliance * 4 West 43rd St., 3rd Fl. New York, NY 10036.
Radio of Free Asia (ROFA) #
Religious Youth Service * Project of the International religious Foundation, Inc.
Research Institute on World Affairs, Inc. 38 W. 32nd St. Rm 1508, NYC 10001;
212-947-4770, Directors: Chung Hwan Kwak, Il Pyung Kim & Hugh Spurgin,
shares offices w/Sae Gae Times and Soul of Russia Group, 10 Dock Rd.,
Barrytown, NY 12507 914-758-6881 (awareness group by Erin Bouma)
Service for Peace, Inc. * Youth group founded by Hyun Jin Moon. Located at 34 State
St., Ossining, NY
Sincerity Foundation * Hazlet, NJ. President listed in 2005 IRS Form 990 as Hyung Jin
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
Society for Common Insights, Inc.
Striders International, Inc., 17501 Sabrina Terrace, Rockville, MD 20855
Sun-Hwa Educational Foundation * Seoul, Korea. Bo Hi Pak is listed as Chairman of the
organization from 1976 to 1988 in the biographical section found in the Appendix
II of his book the “The Truth is My Sword” Vol. One.
Sunmoon Peace Football Foundation * Korea, Article in Washington Times dated
7/15/2003 states “The Peace Cup is sponsored by the Sunmoon Peace Football
Foundation, created by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a longtime soccer fan. The
foundation runs three professional teams — Seongnam and Brazilian teams
Sorocaba of Sao Paulo and Cene of Jardim.”
Sun Moon Educational Foundation * Korea
True Our Brothers' Keepers Community Justice Center * Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ULTRA Teen Choice * Washington, DC
Unification Educational Foundation * Hyattsville, MD
Unificationist Coalition Against Sex Trafficking *
United Native American Council * Founded in 1984
United to Serve America (USA) # 3600 New York Ave. NE 3rd Fl. Washington, D.C.
20002, 202-636-8910, 202-636-8909 FAX. Started as a cooperative project of the
American Freedom Foundation and the American Freedom Coalition. This is the
address of the Washington Times.
United Vision Foundation * 34 State St. Ossining, NY 10562. In the past large amounts
of money have been donated to this organization by the Unification Church in
Japan. United Vision Foundation makes donations to World CARP.
Universal Ballet Academy * Washington, DC
Universal Cultural Foundation * Korea
University of Bridgeport * Bridgeport Connecticut
Urban Life Training & Reality Assessment Teen Choice * Washington, DC
Washington AIDS International Foundation * 3224 16
St., NW, Washington, DC 20010
Washington AIDS International Teens * A project of Washington AIDS International
Washington Church for Social Action *
Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, 1333 New Hampshire Ave. NW,
Washington, DC  20036
Waterland Research Institute, Inc. * PO Box 1008, Gouldsboro, PA 18424
World Alliance for Civil Rights *
World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO) * 866 United
Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, 212-826-8999.
World Conference on Preservation and Sustainable Development in the Pantanal *
Funded by a number of Moon organizations including the Washington Times
Foundation and the International Cultural Foundation.
World Family Movement
World Medical Health Foundation, 1 Penn Plaza, #100, NYC 10019
World Ocean Foundation
World Peace Institute of Technology * Moon announced he had founded this organization
in a speech given in Seoul on May 1, 1994.
World Relief Friendship Foundation * 481 8th Ave., NYC
World Sport Fishing Federation – USA * PO Box 264 Little Ferry, NJ 07643 Sponsored
the Hudson Striper Peace Cup.
Young Jin Moon Charitable Foundation * 1 Blue Hill Plaza, 10
Floor, Pearl River, NY
10965. Organization funds a number of movement closely associated entities
including CARP and the Unification Theological Seminary.
Young Oon Kim Research Foundation, Inc. # 10 Dock Rd. Barrytown, N
Youth Federation for World Peace * 34 State St. Ossining, NY 10562

Les entreprises,magasins,... liés à la secte Moon 


Alabama Tokyo Express, Inc. * Montgomery - Company owns Sakurabana Japanese Restaurant.
Lea Productions * P.O. Box 369, Irvington, AL 36544, 205-602-0655
U.S. Marine Inc. * Bayou La Batre. Wholly owned by U.S. Marine Corp. It is a holding
company for Master Marine, Inc. which builds boats.


Alaska Akaihana Corp. * Owns Akaihana Restaurant at 930 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage
Angel Garden, Inc. *
International Marine Protein, Inc. #
International Seafoods of Alaska, Inc * -- Kodiak, a subsidiary of International Oceanic Enterprises, Falls Church, VA.
Ocean Peace, Inc. * Owns the vessel Ocean Peace. Company is owned by U.S. Marine Corp, IL Heung Co., Ltd. And Happy World, Inc.


Mr. Sushi Corporation * Owns Mr. Sushi restaurant at 8041 N. Black Canyon, Phoenix


Seven Stars Corp * Owns Mt. Fuji Japanese Restaurant Little Rock.
The Flower Man * Owned by church member Bruce Biggins


Abbey Carpet Cleaners
ABC Maintenance Co. - Marin County
Akaihana Restaurant Corporation * 1815 Williams St. San Leandro, CA 94577. Owns Livermore Seafood 2124 Railroad Ave., Livermore, CA 94550
Aladdins Coffees, Teas & Kindreds/Warehouse -- Oakland
American Chinchillas * DBA for One Mind Farm, Inc.
American Freedom Coalition of CA, Inc. *
Asset Design Network, Inc. *
California Service Company - 4022 Santa Barbara, L.A.
Champion Carpet & Wood Services * 2389 Verna Ct. San Leandro, CA 94577, 510-352-5200. This company is owned by International Exchange, Inc.
Christian Bernard Stores Corp. * San Mateo, Costa Mesa, & Concord.
Creative Designs/Gallery * -- San Francisco
Creative Woods * 2929 Avalon Ave., Berkeley. Company owned by the son of former Unification Church of America President Mose Durst.
Crystal World, Inc. * Brea - West Coast office.
Decor Marketing * Found in many California malls. Company is owned by Orignial World Products Corp.
Family Federation for World Peace, Inc. *
Flower World Farms * 4200 South Alameda, Vernon.
Fine Motor Cars, 9821 Bigge Ave., Oakland 94603 - 415-632-6200
Ginseng of California, Inc., 880 81st Ave., Oakland 415-635-2811
Golden Gate Publishing Co.
Golden Gate Seafood Inc. - 1815 Williams, San Leandro
Golden West Printing Co. #
Good Carpet Care
Hana Chain, Inc. * Company owns Hana Seafood Restaurant - Fish Market & Sushi Bar
4535 Mission Blvd., San Diego, CA 92109
Hanjo Corp #
Happy World America, Inc. * 4200 South Alameda, Vernon.
Happy World Products, 17813 S. Main St. #115, Gardena, CA 90248; 213-327-6243
Healthyket, Inc. #
HHTK Corp #
International Travelers Limousine & Tour Co., Inc. #
International Judo, Karate and Aikado School -- Oakland
International Exchange Enterprises, Inc. *
International Exchange Leasing, 9821 Bigge Ave., Oakland 94603,
International Exchange Maintenance
International Exchange, Inc. * 9821 Bigge Ave., Oakland 94603. Also 880 81st Ave., Oakland, 415-632-6200
International Exchange Press, 425 Brannon St., San Francisco, 94107; 415-989-6717
International Exchange Union -- San Francisco
Mayflower Finance Corp. *
National Newspaper Corporation * 1301 Second St., Los Angeles, DBA used by News World
Communications, Inc. in California.
Notica Del Mundo * DBA for News World Communications, Inc.
Ocean Challenge of Southern CA, Inc. *
Ocean Church * 419 Cape Cod Dr., San Leandro, CA 94578
One Mind Farm, Inc. * 14751 Hwy 128, Boonville, CA 95415
One Mind Enterprises -- Mibrae
Original World Products * City of Industry.
Pacific Sunrise Products *
Pacific Restaurant Corporation * 1815 Williams St., San Leandro, CA 94577. Company owns
Hasegawa Restaurant 108 Petaluma Blvd. North, Petaluma, CA 94952 and Kiiroihana Restaurant 655 Union St., San Francisco, CA 44133.
Pan Pacific-Asia Enterprises, Inc.
Pioneer Seafood America, Inc.
Problem Solvers International, Inc.
Saeilo Machinery, Inc. * Santa Fe Springs
Saeilo Machinery, Inc. * San Francisco
San Diego Happy Foods, Inc. * Owns Sakura - Bano restaurant at 1031 First St., #101, Encinitas, CA 92024
Sawayaka, Inc. * Company owns Enshino Restaurant 17047 « Ventura Blvd. Encino
Seno Travel Services -- 150 Powell St., San Francisco
Seil Travel America West, Inc. *
Shien International, Inc * 16769 Bernardo Center #K-11, San Diego, CA 92128.
Company owns Shien of Osaka Japanese Restaurant at this location.
Shokuhin Development West, Inc. # Merged with New York Shokuhin Development, Inc.
Sun San Lee International, Inc.
Sunko Construction Corp. #
Sunlight Restaurant Corporation * Owns Ichiban Restaurant 22560 Foothill Blvd., Hayward, CA 94541
The Rose Shop -- Leamington Hotel, Oakland
U & I Express # 4200 South Alameda, Vernon.
Uni World Tensuke, Inc. * Los Angeles, retail seafood outlet.
Unified Martial Arts -- South Pasadena
Unitec Enterprises * A division of Saeilo Machinery of CA, Inc.
United Seas Master Marine * DBA for Master Marine, Inc.
Universal Marine Industries, Inc. * 1815 Williams St. San Leandro, CA 94577
Universal Restaurant Corporation * 20625 Alves Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014. Company owns
Metropolis Bar & Restaurant 666 North La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 9006 and Ikenohana Restaurant at the above corporate address.
Yamato Foods, Inc. * 1815 Williams, San Leandro 94577; 415-352-8140. Merged with Golden Gate Seafood, Inc.


Sushi Heights, Inc. * Owns Sushi Heights Denver.


Kohana Restaurant, Inc. * Owns Hama Japanese Restaurant Hamden.
Marine Landing Corp. # Subsidiary of Unification Church International.


Eastgate Development Corp. * Truck leasing company owned by International Relief Friendship Foundation.
Tokyo Delaware Enterprises, Inc. * Company trading as Mikasa Japanese Restaurant
3602 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, DE 19808


A & S Flower Exchange, Inc. * 2882 NW 72nd St., Miami, Inactive Florida corporation.
Christian Bernard Stores * Major Malls
Del Mundo Holding Co. *
Delta Imported Flowers * 2882 NW 72nd St., Miami Merged with A & S Flower Exchange.
Eden Floral Farm, Inc. * 2882 NW 72nd St., Miami
Infinity Realty, Inc. * 8180 NW 36th St., Suite 101, Miami
Issei Housing, Inc. * 7337 NW 37th Ave.
J.P. Flowers Company # Named changed to Eden Floral Farm, Inc. On 05/10/84.
Jacksonville Seafood, Inc. #
Sun Flower Restaurants, Inc. #
Sunshine Flowers * This is a CARP business at 7371 NW 35th St. Miami, 33122
Tensuke of Hawaii, Inc. # Jacksonville
The Sunshine Foods of Tampa, Inc. * Company owns Kaoribana Japanese Restaurant 13180 N. Dale Mabry, Tampa.
Tropical Spring -- import/export
United Sea Enterprises * Miami
Women's Federation for World Peace, Inc. *


International Auto Processing, Inc. * Brunswick, company off loads cars from ships at this port facility. Owned by Panda Motors Corp.
IOE Atlanta * International Oceanic Enterprises, 2381 John Glenn Dr., Atlanta 404-455-9504
Miracle Home Style Laundry, Inc. * Atlanta
Saeilo Machinery USA, Inc. * Atlanta
Taiyo, Inc. -- Atlanta
The Atlanta Council for Community Change * -- Atlanta
Tokyo Express, Inc. * Owns August Moon Japanese Restaurant Doraville.


Dynamic Kona, Inc. * 2696 Waiwai Loop, Honolulu. Company describes business on Annual Report as "to organize and conduct recreational tours".
One Happy World, Inc. * 2696 Waiwai Loop, Honolulu, HI 96819 Annual report filed by company list business type as investment farm.
Sunny Seafood, Inc. * 1960 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 115, Honolulu, Retail seafood outlet.
Tensuke Of Hawaii, Inc. * 1937 Republican St. Honolulu, HI. Company sells seafood.
World Fisheries of Hawaii, Inc. * 2696 Waiwai Loop, Honolulu. Initial paid in capital of $100,000 provided by Happy World, Inc. of Japan.


Sekai No Shiwase Idaho, Inc. * Owns Tsuru Japanese Restaurant, Boise.


AA High Tech * Division of Saeilo Machinery (IL), Inc.
Akaihana Japanese Restaurant * Wilmette
Chicago Seafoods International # Trade name used in the past by Rainbow Fish House
Christian Bernard Jewelry * Chicago, Schaumburg, Bloomingdale.
Ganada, Inc. * 2577 United Lane, Elk Grove Village 60007
Go World Travel * 5816 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago 312-275-1500
Horizon Galleries * DBA for News World Communications, Inc.
Korean Television Broadcasting Corp. * Chicago
Koshin, Inc. -- 2577 United Lane, Elk Grove Village 60007
Lifespring Health Foods & Juices * -- 3/78 N. Clark St., Chicago
New World Products -- Butterflies
Paragon N/C Machining * Division of Saeilo Machinery (IL), Inc.
Patricia's Gift Shop -- Harlem & Irving Mall, Chicago
Rainbow Fish House, Inc. * Franklin Park
Saeilo Machinery (IL), Inc. * Elk Grove Village
Saeilo Motors * Wood Dale
Sea Ranch, Inc. * 3217 Lake Ave., Wilmette. This is a seafood store.
Sea Ranch Grocery Store * 3223 Lake Ave., Wilmette.
Shiroi Hana, Inc. * DBA for Nohana Japanese Restaurant
Shiroi Hana, Inc. * DBA for Shiroi Hana Japanese Restaurant
Sun Machining Corp. * Subsidiary of Saeilo Machinery (IL), Inc.
True Nature Health Foods * Subsidiary of Il Hwa American Corp.


Original World Products * 2113 Southlake Mall, Gary.
Sakura Mart * Indianapolis
S.S. Indiana, Inc. * Owns Sakura Japanese Restaurant Indianapolis.


Tokyo Kentucky Enterprises, Inc.
Gulf Fresh Tuna, Inc. *
Tairyo, Inc. * New Orleans, company owns vessel The Rising Sun.
Venice Wholesale Seafood * Venice


Hometown Flowers, Inc. * Lisbon, ME owned by UC member Jim Caron
Ocean Fresh Seafood, Inc. Owns Shiki Japanese Restaurant in Portland. This is no longer open.


American Bonsai * Annapolis Mall
Christian Bernard Jewelers -- N. Bethesda
Computertots of PG County & DC * Brentwood, Owned by member Ann Brown.
Dili Deli # Laurel Center
Edington-Rand, Inc. * Riverdale
Excel Carpet Care, Inc. * Bowie
Exclusively Roses * Gaithersburg 301-948-1806
Help Key, Inc. * Bowie
Kaori Hana # Japanese restaurant in Chevy Chase closed 1991.
New Wave Seafood, Inc. * Beltsville
Principled Financial Services #
Sun Seafood * Beltsville
Third Millennium Software *


Amagi, Inc. *
Boston Tea Company #
Boston Principle Company #
Charlie's Fish Trucks, Inc. #
Ginseng Up Corp. * 16 Plum St., Worcester
Gloucester Lobster Co * 95 E. Main, Gloucester
International Lobster *
International Seafood Company of Gloucester, Inc. * Gloucester
International Seafood Company of Massachusetts, Inc.
Ki-Mat Paint Company * Newton
Morning Garden Villa -- Western Ave., Gloucester
New One Restaurant, Inc. * 121 East Main St. Gloucester, MA 01930
Rocky Neck Seafood Corp. * 148 Hampden St. Roxbury, MA 02119
Saeilo Machinery MA, Inc. * Worcester
Sakurabana, Inc. * 57 Broad St. Boston, MA 02109
Sea Clear -- 95 E. Main St., Gloucester
The Lobster Pool Restaurant # Gloucester
U.S. Ocean Supply Co., Inc. * 121 East Main St., Gloucester, MA 01930. This is the US subsidiary of the Japanese company Toitsu-Sangyo Co.
World Tuna Tournament, Inc -- Gloucester, MA


A Fragrant Flower * DBA for Hana International, Inc.
Detroit Seafood & Supply * 45 E. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson
Hana International, Inc. * Sold Kaori Bana Japanese Restaurant
Happiness International * Subsidiary of Hana International, Inc.
Il Hwa Ginseng Center -- 153 Arden Park, Detroit
Noble Fish -- 45 E. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson
Panda Motors Corp. - 295 Kirts Blvd. #110, Troy
Sky Valley Ranch -- Kalkaska
Sunny Food for Thought -- 660 Woodward/18971 Livernois, Detroit
Sunny Floral
Woo Chon Oriental Restaurant * DBA for Hana International, Inc.


Daikoku Restaurant, Inc. * Owns Sakura Restaurant Rochester.
Ginseng Tea Distributors of Il Hwa -- 3178 N. Clark, Minneapolis


Master Marine, Inc. * Moss Point, Company is wholly-owned by U.S. Marine, Inc. which is wholly-owned by U.S. Marine Corporation. The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity owns 83% of the voting stock of U.S. Marine Corporation. The remaining stock is owned by One Up Enterprises, Inc. which wholly owns International Oceanic Enterprises, Inc. the parent company of International Oceanic Enterprises, Inc. of Alabama and International Oceanic Enterprises Inc. of Alaska. One Up Enterprises, Inc. is wholly-owned by Unification Church International.
Ocean Enterprises, Inc. * Owns Little Tokyo Restaurant Jackson.


Kaori Corp. * Owns Shogun Restaurant Billings.


Ichiban, Inc. * Owns Sushi Ichiban Restaurant * Omaha.


Christian Bernard Jewelers -- Las Vegas
Kabuki Japanese Restaurant * Las Vegas.

New Hampshire:

Sakura, Inc. * Owns Sakura Japanese Restaurant Portsmouth.
Tengu, Inc. * Owns Tengu Japanese Restaurant Nashua. This restaurant appears to be out of business.

New Jersey:

Balise Business Services * Moonachie
Christian Bernard Jewelers - Atlantic City
Christian Bernard Stores Corp. *
Crystal World, 3 Caesar Pl., Moonachie, NJ 07074 201-460-8855
Decor Marketing, 3 Caesar Pl, Moonachie, NJ 07074 201-933-2020
Flower World Wholesale * 3234 Papetti Plaza, Elizabeth 908-351-3166
H.W.A. Marine, Inc. * Elizabeth
Happy World America, Inc * 3234 Papetti Plaza, Elizabeth
Happy World Products, 3 Caesar Pl., Moonachie, NJ 07074
Healthy Lifestyles * Trade name used by Il Hwa
International Oceanic Enterprises * Elizabeth 201-661-0778
Lee Shapiro Memorial Foundation *
Liberty Seafood Restaurant * Liberty Harbor Marina, Jersey City
M & M Tackle Shop * Liberty Harbor Marina, Jersey City
M & W Services * Liberty Harbor Marina, Jersey City
Master Maine NJ, Inc. * Liberty Harbor Marina, Jersey City 201-451-0010
New Marine Company, L.P. * 3234 Papetti Plaza, Elizabeth
New Marine Urban Renewal Development Corp * 3234 Papetti Plaza, Elizabeth, NJ 07207. Company owns this address which houses many UC companies.
New York Fish House, Inc. * 3234 Papetti Plaza, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 908-351-1400. Company is seafood wholesaler with $15,750,000 in sales.
Original World Products, Inc. * 3 Caesar Pl., Moonachie 07074
Sakurabana Japanese Restaurant * Ridgewood, NJ.
Senkai Live Fish * Liberty Harbor Marina, Jersey City
Wacom, Inc * W. Park 80 West Plaza II 200, Saddle River, NJ 07662 201-265-4226. This is a subsidiary of the Japanese company Wacom Ltd. Wacom is owned by Happy World, Inc.
World Ocean, Inc. * 100 Luis Munoz Marin Blvd., Jersey City 201-435-3808

New Mexico:

Golden Mexico, Inc. * Owns Sakura Japanese Restaurant Santa Fe.

New York:

AA High Tech * Subsidiary of Saeilo Machinery, Inc.
Abel Business Services, Inc. * 18 E. 41st, Suite 950
Accord, Inc., 481 8th Ave., 10001 (212) 714-1099
Admiral Marine Electronics Corp. * 38-38 9th St. L.I.C., NY 11101
American Screen and Music -- NY, NY.
Atlantic Communications, Inc. * Uses same address as Terralink
B.F. Devco, Inc. # Was a subsidiary of Continental Development Corp.
Beverage Corp of NY * Brooklyn, distributes Ginseng Up.
BFA Services, Inc * 1120 Ave, of the Americas, Suite 4132
Blue Jay Enterprises - 401 5th Ave., NYC
Blue Sky Tours #
Business Research Corp. * 481 8th Ave., NY, NY.
Canaan Health Foods # 1145 Ave. of Americas, NYC
Canaan Travel Services, Inc. * 393 5th Ave. Listed as a subsidiary of the Canaan Foundation, Inc. on 1991 non-profit tax return.
Champion Services, Inc. * 103 N. 13th St., Brooklyn, NY 11211
Christian Bernard Jewelry Stores
Christina Bahn, Inc. - wholesale furrier - 401 5th Ave.
Condevco, Inc. # Was subsidiary of Continental Development Corp.
Continental Development Corp. * Real estate holding company.
Creative Designs, Inc. * 34 State St. Ossining, NY 10562
Creative Originals - 120 S. Broadway, Red Hook, NY 12571
Creative Woods * Same address as Creative Designs
Crossings * 4 W. 43rd. St., New gourmet coffee shop.
Crystal World, 38-38 9th Ave., L. I. City, NY 11101 718-786-0259
Daikoku Restaurant, Inc. * Owns Kiiroi Hana Japanese Restaurant
East Sun Building, 38-38 9th St., L.I. City, NY 11101
Fir and Pine Corp * Company trades as Ninja Japanese Restaurant on Second Ave.
First Generation Costume Jewelers, Inc. *
Four Seasons Photo, Inc. * 2 East 37th St., NY, NY 10016.
Freedom Tours, 53rd Ave. & 11th St., Queens, NY 718-784-5550
Fruitzer Co., 401 B 5th Ave., NYC 212-889-6095 Company owned by Ginseng Up Corp.
Fuhriman Beat, 481 8 Ave., NYC 10001; 212-564-0599
Future Merchandising Systems, Inc. * White Plains
Future Productions, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001 212-564-0130
G. M. Bridge Corp. * 237 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605. This is a holding company with approximately $15,000,000 in assets.
Ganada, Inc., 38-38 9th St., LI City 11101 718-706-0750
Ginseng Glass Garden - 510 Ave. of the Americas, NYC
Ginseng Up, Corp., 401B 5th Ave., NYC 10017 212-683-1930
Glass Garden Manufacturing, Inc. * 60 Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn
Global Communications * P.O. Box 70, Irvington, NY
Global Concerns, Ltd., 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016 (DBA Tongil)
Go Tours, Inc., 38-38 9th St., LI City 11101 718-729-6594
Go Transportation, Inc., 38-38 9th St., LI City, 11101 718-729-6594. This is the parent company for Freedom Tours and Go Tours.
Go World Travel * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001 212-067-8080 Changed name to Canaan Travel
Services, Inc. on 7/24/89. The new address is 393 5th Ave. This building is owned by UC company Continental Development Corp.
Going Up Press, 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016; 212-683-4452
Gold Moon Enterprises, Inc. * 481 8th Ave. NY, NY.
Good Connections, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-279-1126
Good Food Cafe, 401B 5th Ave., NYC 10016; 212-686-3546 Company owned by Il Hwa American Corp.
Hager, Bacus & Biermans * 4 W 43rd St., NYC 10036 212-869-5706. UC members who are attorneys and handle church legal work.
Han Corp. * Owns New Hope Farms Port Jervis, NY. Company has purchased a 3,000 acre horse farm in Carrizo Springs, TX. The farm is now called New Hope Farms.
Happy Roads
Happy World USA, 38-38 9th St., LI City 11101; 718-786-0187
Homeopathic Natural Supply of NY, 2 E. 37th St., NYC 10036
Hope Industries Inc. - 316 5th Ave./325 W. 108th St., NYC
HSA Communications, Inc., 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-736-2663
HSA Publications, 4 W. 43rd St., NYC 10036; 212-997-0050
Hudson River Inlay * Trade name used by Creative Designs, Inc. to market fine wood pictures. Mostly sold through kiosks in malls.
I Travel, Inc. * 350 5th Ave., Suite 4901, 212-736-6030 Changed name to Seil America
Travel, Inc.
Icusa, Inc., 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-239-1095
Il Hwa American Corp. - 401 B 5th Ave. NYC 212-696-0130
Il Hwa Korean Ginseng Center * a/k/a Good Food Cafe
Il Hwa Pharmaceutical Co. *
Il Sung Construction Co., 38-38 9th St., LI City, 11101
INA Consulting, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-714-1111
International One World, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-947-1183
International Oceanic Enterprises, Inc. *
IOE Group Consulting * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
Issei Construction Co. * New name for Sunko Construction
Japanese Typesetting Hikari, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
Jin Wha Printing Co., Inc. * 350 5th Ave. Suite 6106, NY, NY 10118. Merged with Hikari
Japanese Typesetting, Inc. on 6/3/87.
Kenkoh American Company * Subsidiary of Il Hwa American Corp.
Kohana Restaurant, Inc. * Owns Maruihana Japanese Restaurant 143-45 Fulton St. Manhattan.
Kokori International, Inc.,481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
Korean Evangelical Association (another name for UC)
Koya Mart #
Manhattan Center Studios, Inc. 311 W. 34th St., NYC 10001 This company is a subsidiary of Unification Church International.
Master Marine, Inc. 38-38 9th St., LI City 11101; 718-784-3684
Masterland Construction Co., Inc. * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001 Subsidiary of Tong IL Enterprises.
Microsignals, Inc. * 38-42 9th St. L.I.C., NY 11101
Midtown Sports Club * 481 8th Ave. NY, NY 10001
Morningside Fish Market - 1282 Amsterdam Ave., NYC
New Future Photo * 481 8th Ave. NY, NY
New Yorker Hotel * 481 8th Ave., NY, NY 10001. Aka World Mission Center.
New York Ocean, Inc * Owns Sonobana Restaurant 481 8th Ave.
News World Communications Inc. 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016
Oceanic Seafood Enterprises *
One Heart Trading Company * 481 8th Ave. NY, NY.
One Lite Electric #
One Up Enterprises * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001
Original Health, Inc. -- 481 8th Ave., NY, NY.
Original World Products * - 401 5th Ave., NYC
Oro Designs, Inc. * Owns Christian Bernard Store in Herald Square
Paradigm Capital Management, Inc. * Founded and run by James M. Park the son of Bo Hi Pak. He is also married to one of Moon's daughters. Company manages several hundred million dollars in investments with additional offices in Atlanta and Paris.
Paragon Book Reprint Corp. * Owns Paragon House Publishers. Company is owned by
International Cultural Foundation.
Prime Energy Products, 401B 5th Ave., NYC 10016; 212-683-1930
Provident Developers, Inc. * Subsidiary of Go Transportation.
Rainbow Enterprises, Inc. #
Reiki Master Teacher, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-239-0128
Ryugu America, Inc. * Owns Akaihana Restaurant 2164 Broadway, NY, NY.
Saeilo Machinery USA, Inc. * 38-38 9th St., LIC 718-786-2927
Saeilo Machinery USA, Inc. * 587 Route 303, Blauvelt, NY
Saeilo Motors * 69-15 50th St., Woodside, NY 11377; 718-651-8100
Saeilo Refrigeration * 38-38 9th St., LIC, NY 11101; 718-937-9840 Assumed name used by Saeilo Machinery, Inc.
Saeilo USA, Inc. * 630 Route 303, Blauvelt, NY 914-353-7770
Season to Season Florist * DBA for Future Merchandising Systems.
Sei Shin, Inc. #
Shoei America, Inc.
Shokuhin Development Inc., 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-564-7745 The current address of this company is unknown. Company is owned by Sekai no Shiawase East, Inc.
Shokuhin owns 50% of Happy World America, Inc.
Sunko Construction Co. * 38-38 9th St., LI City, 11101
Sunlight Graphics, 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016; 212-683-4452
Tec Electric Corporation * Yonkers
Teikoku Seafood, Inc. * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-714-1441 President is Toshihiko Matsumura. He is also president of Uniworld Seafood Enterprises, Inc.
Terada American, Inc.
Terralink, Inc. * P.O. Box 1397 New York, NY 10018
The Glass Garden, Inc. * 60 Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn 11222
The Natural Choice, 481 8th Ave., NYC 212-564-6039
Tong Il Enterprises - 342 Front St., NYC Wholesale warehouse
Tongil Trading America Co., Inc., 401 5th Ave., NYC 10016
Tree of Life Restaurant - 521 3rd Ave./101 W. 125th St.
Trinity Corp. * 481 8th Ave., Suite 647, NYC 10001. Uses the trade name of Small Essentials.
Tropical Spring of NY * 401 B 5th Ave., NY, NY 10016
Uni Vision, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-563-1320
Unification Church International * 4 W. 43rd St., NYC. This is a tax paying holding company based in Falls Church, VA.
Unification Church World, 481 8th Ave., NYC 212-279-6766
United Materials Industries Inc., 46-09 54th Rd., Maspeth, NY
Unite d Vision Group, Inc. * Ad in Unification News listed Hudson River Inlay and Dimensions as part of the company. The ad mentions being part of the excitement of an Inc. 500 Company. This is most likely a reference to a Han Corp. listing as the ninth fastest growing company in the U.S. by Inc. Magazine. This may indicate a possible parent/subsidiary relationship between the two companies.
United Vision Sales, Inc. * Ad in March 1994 Unification News indicated the company was formed by a merger of Creative Designs and Original World Products.
Universal Artist Management, Inc. 401 5th Ave., 10018
Uniworld Sea Enterprises Inc. # No longer open.
Vertizon, Inc., 481 8th Ave., 10001; 212-714-1090
World Audio Visual Enterprises * WAVE 401 5th Ave., NY, NY.
World Mission Center, 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001; 212-947-1115.
World Ocean, Inc. * 481 8th Ave., NYC 10001 212-967-8365.
World Research Institute for Science and Technology, Inc. * 38-38 9th St., LIC, NY 11101, Phone 718-937-7955. This company is a subsidiary of Unification Church International.

North Carolina:

Sekaino Shiawase of N.C., Inc. * Owns Little Tokyo restaurant in Cary
Beautiful Flowers Co. * Charlotte


Back to Earth
Champs Elysees * Cleveland, Owned by Christian Bernard Sores
Hsu & Co. - Columbus
Il Hwa Ginseng Co. - Cleveland
Organic Grocery
Panda Motors Corp. - 4400 Dixie Hwy., Hamilton
Saeilo Machinery USA, Inc. * Cincinnati
Shinano, Inc. * Owns Akaihana Japanese Restaurant * Richmond Heights.
Whole Earth & Unity Inc. - Cleveland


Blessed Family Association, Oregon * 2802 NE 21st Ave., Portland
Ikenohana Corp. * Owns Ikenohana Japanese Restaurant Beverton.
The Computer Exchange * DBA for Gregory S. Bowman
Women's Federation for World Peace, Inc. * Same address as Blessed Family Association.


Christian Bernard Jewelers - King of Prussia/Willow Grove
Il Hwa Ginseng Center - King of Prussia Mall, Philadelphia
Tokyo Enterprises, Inc. * Owns Shiroi Hana Japanese Restaurant
Trans Ocean, Inc. * Seafood company in Philadelphia.
United World Enterprises - Havertown

Rhode Island:

Japanese Restaurant Perry, Inc. * Owns Haruki Japanese Restaurant Cranston.

South Carolina:

Sakura Japanese Restaurant * Columbia


Tennessee Tokyo Express, Inc. * Owns Benkay Japanese Restaurant Nashville.


Decor Specialty, Inc. -- Richardson
Dehen, Inc. * Owns Ginza Japanese Restaurant in Houston.
Far East Corp.
Far East Seafood, Inc. * Houston
Han Corp. * Owns Crawford Farms, now called New Hope Farms, Carrizo Springs.
Hana Sho Japanese Restaurant * Dallas
Happy Oriental Food, Inc. #
Horizon Galleries * 800 Belt Dr., NW, #200E, Houston.
Horizon Galleries * Both Horizon Galleries are owned by News World Communications
Oriental Enterprise, Inc. * Owns Hana Sho restaurant.
Saeilo Machinery USA, Inc. * Dallas
Saeilo Motors TX, Inc. * Houston
Sakura Japanese Restaurant * Houston
Shinano Club * Dallas
Star of the Orient, Inc. * Houston
World Trends, Inc. #


Sakura Restaurant Corp. * Owns Sakura Sushi Holiday.


Sakura of Japan, Inc. * Owns Sakura Japanese Restaurant Burlington.


A-Master Marine #
American Star Recording Studio #
Atlantic Video, Inc. * 150 S. Gordon, Alexandria
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment *
Christian Bernard Jewelry Stores * Virginia Beach, Fair Oaks Mall and Tysons Mall
Concept Communications * Owns 28% of cable TV network The Nostalgia Network.
Crown Communications Corp. * Owns Concept Communications Corp.
Crown Capital Corp. * Owns Crown Communications.
Deb's Deli Diner * Owned by church member Nathan Loew.
Doctor U.S. Pahk Heart Foundation *
Exclusively Roses * Tysons Corner 703-734-3053
Father's Fish - Richmond
FutureRealm Productions * Richmond, Owned by Peter Brown
Gene's Grocery & Deli * Owned by Grace and Park Corp.
Global Image Associates # McLean Public relations firm no longer in business.
Global Video Productions * 6400-N Seven Corners Place, Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone 703-237-7733 FAX 703-533-2946.
Grace & Park Corp. * Owns Property in the Washington, D.C. area.
Hana Enterprises, Inc. * Owns Yamano Hana Japanese Restaurant
Hana Enterprises, Inc. * Owns Niwano Hana Japanese Restaurant
Harvard-Columbia Video, Inc. *
International Seafood Co. - West End, Southampton Ave., Norfolk
International Video Services, Inc. #
International Oceanic Enterprise, Inc. * 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043
Kenmar Enterprises *
Kingsway L.P. * McLean, Owned by Bo Hi Pak and his family.
Modern Mailing Service #
New Wave Seafood, Inc. * Retail seafood outlet in Baileys Crossroads.
Northern Virginia Properties, Inc. * 6723 Whittier Ave. McLean
Northern Virginia Homes, Inc. * 8260 Greensboro Dr., McLean
One Up Enterprises, Inc. * 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church 703-448-7333
Panda Motors Corp. * Project to build cars in China now on hold. Panda Group Ltd.
Park Realty Corp. * McLean, Jonathan Park, son of Bo Hi Pak, is president. This company is the sole general partner of Kingsway Limited Partnership.
P.G. Arbor & Company * Trade name for Hudson River Inlay. Sold wooden inlay pictures at Tysons Corner Center Mall over 1995 Christmas season.
PMC Partnership # McLean
Route 7 Realty, Inc. * Real estate holding company. Owns large office building at 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church.
Shiroi Hana, Inc. * Owns Shiroi Hana Richmond.
Stein & Associates * McLean
Tele-Color Studio * Changed name to Atlantic Video, Inc.
True Value Builders #
Unification Church International * 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043. Main Holding company for Unification Movement closely associated entities.
U.S. Foods, Inc. * Merged with U.S. Property Development Corp
U.S. Marine Corporation * 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043. UC owns 83% of voting stock remaining 17% owned by One Up Enterprises at this same address.
U.S. Property Development Corp. * 150 S. Gordon St. Alexandria,
Virginia Business Enterprises, Inc. * Holding company.
Virginia Japanese Restaurant, Inc. * Owns Hana Zushi Richmond.
VP Enterprises #
World Daily News Co., Ltd. #


Coastal Properties Management, Inc. * 2440 W. Commodore Way, Seattle, WA 98199.
Go 'N Joy Convenience Stores * Company closed its stores after publicity over liquor license investigations. Company activities carried on by New Pacific Development Corp.
Hisago Japanese Restaurant * Seattle
HWA Giant Clam, Inc. * DBA for Ocean Hope, Inc.
HWA Smokehouse, Inc. # Owned by Happy World America. Changed name to Ocean Hope, Inc. on 4/4/89 and administratively dissolved by WA Secretary of State on 3/25/91.
International Marine Farms # No current office in WA.
International Seafoods of Alaska, Inc. * - Seattle
L.T. Finance Corp. * Merged with Happy World U.S.A., Inc. On 07/19/89.
Monumental Development Corp. #
New Pacific Development Corp. * 2220 Marine View Dr. #100 Des Moines, WA 98198. Real estate holding company that owns trailer parks.
Northwest Seafood Co., Inc.
Saeilo Machinery WA, Inc. * Renton, may no longer be in business.
Sanshin Restaurant Corp. * Owns Kohan Japanese Restaurant
Shiroi Hana, Inc. * Seattle
Shining Ocean, Inc. * Seattle
Sunrise Seattle Corporation, Ltd. * Seattle
Sunrise Trading * Seattle
Sunrise Seafood Company * Seattle
Wacom Technology Corporation * 501 S.E. Columbia Shores Blvd., #300, Vancouver, WA 98661. Subsidiary of Japanese company Wacom, Ltd. Wacom, Ltd is a subsidiary of Japanese company Happy World, Inc.

Washington, D.C.:

650 Massachusetts Ave. Associates, L.P. #
Atlantic Video, Inc. * 650 Mass. Ave., NW
Barker International Associates, Inc. *
Baruch T.V. Group *
Christian Bernard Jewelers * Georgetown Park Mall
Deli-Sun (delicatessen) #
Ecumenicon Foundation *
Ginseng Trading Corp. #
Good Health Natural Foods * Health food store owned by Il Hwa American Corp.
Happy Mind, Inc. * Happy Mind Home Shoppers Club. Home shopping service owned by
Unification Church International.
Joe Badra, Inc. *
L.H. Baer, Ltd., Inc. * Washington, D.C.
Middle East Associates #
Monumental Construction & Moulding Co., 1512 14th St. NW 20024
Newslink, Inc. # Company is a subsidiary of Concept Communications Corp. It has over one million dollars of liens against it in the District of Columbia. This is a Delaware corporation. The state of Delaware has revoked the company's charter.
Nostalgia Network, Inc. * Cable network showing old movies. Controlled through stock ownership by Concept Communications, Inc and series of funding entities associated with the Unification Movement.
PVI, Inc. * Formerly Pyramid Video, Inc.
RFR International #
Unification Church a/k/a Korean Evangelical Association
Washington Times Corp. * Owns newspaper
Washington Independent News *
Washington Television Center L.P. * Owns the office building at 650 Massachusetts Ave., NW. This building has been assessed at $55,100,000. The largest tenant in the building is the Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms Agency.
WTC Realty, Inc. * General partner of Washington Television Center L.P.

West Virginia:

Hana, Inc. * Owns Little Tokyo restaurant in Charleston. Sources report restaurant closed as of 5/8/92.


Kyoto, Inc. * Owns Ginza Japanese Restaurant Madison. Company is owned by Shokuhin Development, Inc.


Sakura Wyoming, Inc. * Owned Sakura Japanese Restaurant Cheyenne. May no longer be


Back to Eden Organic Grocery
Bless Land Company
Elmayan Press #
Fast Brothers
Flying Colors * Washington, D.C. metro area.
Ganada #
Happiness Seafoods, Inc.
Happy Group * Informal name used by UC members when referring to restaurants and seafood companies under the control of Happy World America, Inc.
Jusancha Ginseng Tea
Kosei Construction Co.
Microparticles, Ltd.
R.K.D. Distribution Co. Health Food
Rocky Mountain Elf Works #
Stradco Iron Company
Veterans Committee for French-American Brotherhood
Whole Earth and Unity, Inc.


Canadian Unity Freedom Foundation * (CUFF)
Hanida Ginseng Cosmetics - Toronto
Our Canada - monthly newspaper



Saeilo Machinery GmbH *

Caymen Islands:

Kami Ltd.


Panda Motors China Corporation * Unknown if company is still active. Press reports indicate project to build cars is on hold due to lack of funding.


GWBB Audiovision Co.
New Tomorrow Ltd.
Saeilo Machinery (UK), Ltd. * London
Unified Family Enterprises, Ltd. *


Alpha & Omega, Inc.
Christian Bernard * Uses the trade name Auro Style


Heyligenstaedt Verwallungs GmbH.
Heyligenstaedt GmbH. & Co. KG
Heyligenstaedt & Comp. Werkzeugmaschinenfarbrik GmbH.
HWH Werkzeugmaschinen Holding GmbH.
HWH Group
IIC Inter Industries Holding Corp. Ltd.
Sae Il Internationales Kunstgewerbe
Saeilo Machinery GmbH.
Tong Il GmbH
UTI Industries Holdings GmbH.
Wanderer Maschinen Gesellschaft GmbH.
Wanderer Maschinen Grundbesitzgesellschaft GmbH
Werner & Winkler

Hong Kong:

Christian Bernard * Factory Location
Il Shin (HK) Co.
Il Hwa Hong Kong Ltd. *
Juma Ltd.
Panda Motors Hong Kong Ltd.
Password Ltd.
Ritterfield, Ltd.
Saeilo International Ltd. *


Saeilo Machinery Italy, SRL * Bergamo

Ivory Coast:

Restaurant of Fine Food * Bouake


Acole Clea
Aiken Shokai
Aitendo (Tenkeido)
Alaska Kaikan
Angusu Seiki Hanbai
Arc Company (Sekai no Shiawase Hokkaido)
Banyu Shokai
Beato Ongaku JimushoBijutu Sekai
Bonaru Shokai
Chiba Shokai
Christian Bernard
Cosmo Corporation Fuji Bijutu Cosmo
Cosmo Try
CSR Japan
Daishin Shoji
Daishin Shokai
Daiyu Shokai
Echigo Shoji (Nigata Juhoten)
Echo (Teikokudo)
Evalo Shoji
First Sha
Fronteer Shokai
Fukura Shoji
Global Family Association
Gloria Shoji (Bonaru Shokai)
Gree Box
Green Health
Green Land
Green Shokai
Happy Construction
Happy Foods, Inc.
Happy Foods Toyama
Happy Foods Nagoya
Happy Housing
Happy Tamaru
Happy Unyu Soko
Happy World, Inc. * Japan/US
Hokuto Shoji
Hongo Shoji
Hoshundo (Yoshiko Shoji)
Hyogo Aishindo (Kobe Shoji)
Hyogo Kaiundo
Ichiwa Japan (Ichiwa) Cal
IkkoIkko (Raiho)
Ikko Shoji
International Business Finance (Cosmo Finance)
Iryohojinshadan Nisshinkai
Issei General Construction Co., Chiba
Issei (Sekai no Shiawase Nagoya)
Isshin Hospital *
Isshin Japan
Issin Shoji
Issin Shokai
Japan Family Credit
Japan Light Shokai
Japan-Korea Tunnel Research Institute *
Jewely El
Kaisei Shoji
Kamekichi (Issin Shokai)
Kanan Shoji
Keifuku Shoji (Daishin Shokai)
Keiundo (Shineido)
Kinki McCol
Kobe Jiken
Kogen Sha
Kokusai Hosho
Konan Shokai
Kosei Jidosha
Kosei Kensetu
Koshin Shokai (Japan Light)
Kotoku Shokai
Kou Bussan (Sekai no Shiawase Tohoku)
Kowa Shokai
Kyokuto Kaihatu
Kyoto Prince Hotel
Life Business
Maruichi Shoji
Maruko (Sekai no Shiawase Kanto)
Maruyo (Maruyo Shokai)
Matumae Shokai
Meien Shokai
Meiko Shokai (Turukamedo)
Meisei Shokai
Mituhashi Shoji
Miyako Shoji
Nagano Koki Hanbai
Naniwa Koki Hanbai
New Age
New CosmoNew World
New World Shokai
Nihan Haichiyaku
Nihan Nenju
Nihan Panax Shoji
Nihan Panax
Nihon Hoshundo
Nihon Jem
Nippohan Hiroshima
Nippohan Kanto
Nippohan Tokyo
Nishi Nihon Koki Hanbai
Nitto Tusho
Ocean Foods
Ohara Shokai
Okaichi Shokai
Okayama Mizuho Shokai
Okinawa Happy Shokai
Omi Shokai
Oriental Shoji
Pacific Sangyo (Sekai no Shiawase Hiroshima)
Rich (Issindo)
Saeilo Japan, Inc. * Chiba
Saeilo Machinery Japan, Inc. *
Saeilo Motors Osaka, Inc. *
Saeilo Motors, Inc. * Kanagawa
Sakae Shokai (World Life)
Sanhaimu (Fukumeido)
Sansei Shokai
Sanwa Shokai
Sanyo Rupon
Sanyo Shokai
Sato Juhoten
Seichi Kanko
Seiritu Shoji (Sekai no Shiawase Osaka)
Seiro Japan
Seiro Kogya
Seiro Machinery Japan
Seiro Motors Kanto
Seiro Motors Tohohu
Seiro Motors Osaka
Seiro Motors Shokai
Seiro Motors Hiroshima
Seiro Motors (Kosei Jidosha)
Seiro Motors Tokyo
Seishin Sha
Seka:Nippo Shia
Sekai Kirisutokyu Toitu Shinrei Kyokai
Sekai Nippo * (Newspaper)
Sekai Toitu Kyokai
Seko Shokai (Eifukudo)
Shekyo Rengo * (political front group)Shiawase Shokai
Shinano Shoji
Shinbutuguten Miyagi
Shinko Shokai (Sunrise Farm)
Shinwa Sha
Shinwa Shoji
Sun Eight
Sun Health
Sun Hope Sha
Sun Okaichi
Sun World Kumamoto
Sunny Life
Sunrise Farm
Taiheido (Daiyu Shokai)
Taiko Shoji
Taiyo Shokai
Tell Me
Tenchu Kosan
Tenpei (Kishu Shoji)
Tenrai Shoji
Tenrei Shoji
Toa Shoji (Sekai no Shiawase Kyushi)
Tohoku McCol Hanbai
Toitsu-Sangyo Co. *
Toitu Sangyo
Toyo Shokai
Toyoko Insho
Umi no Hotel Nakadaya
Unification Thought Institute of Japan
Universal Kikaku
Universal Tokyo (Sekai no Shiawase)
Universal Tusho
Wacom Co., Ltd. * Subsidiary of Happy World, Inc.
World Bijutu
World Create (Taiseido)
World Foods Company
World Shoji
Yagumo Shoji
Yoshiko Shokai
Yoyogi no Reijyo (Toyo Bunka Kenkyusho)
Zenai (Nippohan Aichi)


Association for Education and Development


Cheonpa Theater *
Cho Jong Mineral Water *
Community School *
Dong Wha Titanium Industrial Co. # Merged with Hankook Titanium Industrial Co., Ltd. in 1979.
Dowon Production Design Bureau *
Hankook Titanium Industrial Co., Ltd. *
Il Heung Co., Ltd *
Il Hwa Chumma *
Il Hwa Co., Ltd. *
Il Hwa Pharmaceutical Co. * (Ginseng Tea)
Il Sung Construction Co. * Seoul
Il Shin Stone Co., Ltd. * (markets vases in US/Japan)
Little Angels Performing Center * Seoul
McCol Industrial Complex - site of blessings of 6500 couples.
McCol Beverage Factory * McCol industrial complex
One Mind Publishing House *
One World Communication Co. Ltd. * Seoul
Saeil Co. Ltd. * Seoul
Saeil Heavy Industry Co. * Same company as Saeil Co., Ltd.
Se Jin *
Sea Young International * Part of the Tong Il Business Group
Seil Tour Systems * Seoul
Sondo Industrial Co., Ltd. * Subsidiary of Hankook Titanium Industrial Co., Ltd.
Sonhwa University * Chonan
Sun Hwa Institute for Korean Studies *
Sundo Ware Manufacturing *
Sung Shin Investment *
Tae Pyung Yang Co.
Tae Han Rutile Co. *
Tong Il Business Group * Parent company for most Korean companies.
Tong Il Company, Ltd. *
Tong Il Industries Co., Ltd. # (makes military weapon parts) Company merged with Saeil
Heavy Industry Co. in 1984.
Tong Il Corporation *
Tong Il Religion Support Foundation * Owns stock in UC companies.
Tong Hwa Titanium Co. *
Tong Yang Machinery Corp. # Merged with Tong Il Co., Ltd. in 1984
Wacom Korea Co., Ltd. * Subsidiary of the Japanese firm Wacom Co., Ltd.


A. Haring Handelsonderneming * A. Haring Trading
Beleggingsmaatschappji Dijkzicht # Investment Corp.
E & A Consultants * Etten Leur
European Artists Assn., Coojoord 273, Amsterdam NL-1103CR
Happy World Netherlands * a.k.a. H.W.N. Trading
Il Hwa Korean Import *
Im-en Export Exler *
MLM International * Etten Leur
Sae-il Netherlands * The Crystal World
Saeilo Machinery Holland *
Schenk-Verhoeven Beheer * Schenk-Verhoeven Management
Studio M * a.k.a. Yestra Graphic Design
Sunburst *
Tongil Netherlands *
United Trade Industries (Holding) B.V. * Amsterdam
Zarqa *

North Korea

Potongan Hotel * Pyonyang, A recent Japanese press report indicates the Unification Movement has a contract to manage the hotel. The article indicates the entire senior management staff are members of the Unification Movement.


Saeilo Japan, Inc. *

South Africa:

Ecumenical Movement for the Advancement of National Goodwill - Capetown


Alpha Farmaceutia
Causa International - 4 Rue De Hesse, 1206 Geneva
International Cultural Foundation * 4 Rue De Hesse, 1206 Geneva
International Holding Company Ltd.
Jeddo Enterprises SA *
Keminto SA *
McCallum & Co SA *
One Trade Srl * Zurich
Produits Commerciaux Et Industries *
Warn International *


Banco De Credito * (Uruguay's third largest bank)
Elinor S.A. *
Impresora Polo, LTDA * Montevideo, Printing company.
Ultimas Noticias * (newspaper)
Victoria Plaza Hotel * Montivideo
World Stone Com. E. Exp. De Joias, Ltd.


International Design * Trade name for Christian Bernard. Press reports indicate the company has opened a factory here with an initial workforce of one-hundred and fifty.
Mekong Corp. * Ho Chi Minh City, This is an automobile manufacturing joint venture between the government of Vietnam, Saeilo Machinery Japan, Inc. and Sea Young International. Vietnam state owned companies are reported to hold 30% of the company stock as partners for the government.


ECOPROF * Technical school in Kinshasa.


List of Unification Church affiliated organizations

selon wikipédia


Unificationist Links

organisations-publications-sites moonistes.

Divine Principle in Russian
Unification Church of Taiwan
Unification Church of Japan
Family Federation of the Netherlands
The Defining Moment
True Love King
Family Federation of the United Kingdom
Unification Home Page
Unification Church of America
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
World and I Magazine
Washington Times National Weekly Edition/
The writings of Jon Quinn
European Second Generation- esgd
Cheong Pyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center
Universal Peace Federation
International Second Generation Blessing
University of Bridgeport
Unification Theological Seminary
Service for Peace
World University Federation
Inter Religious Federation for World Peace
Professors World Peace Academy
World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations
International Relief and Friendship Foundation
International Relief and Friendship Foundation - Europe
Internation Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
Paragon House
Canaan Station - Hyo Jin Moon's music site.
Cheon Il Guk Home Page
Brazil - Associação das Famílias para Unificação e Paz Mundial
New Yorker Hotel
Segye Times - Korea -
True Parents Organization
HSA Publications
UPI - United Press International
Sekai Nippo - Japan
Tiempos del Mundo
The Washington Times
Women's Federation for World Peace International
Cheongshim Village
Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology
National Won Jeon
Asociación para la Defensa de la Libertad de Conciencia
Blessed Families Association
Hungarian - Békeház
Hungarian - Sun Myung Moon tiszteletest bemutató hivatalos honlap - Official Hungarian website for introducing Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
Italian - Principi Divini
Bridgeport International Academy
FFWPU Thailand
FFWPU Australia
Free Teens
World Community Network
Global Village Inn
Home Harbor Inn
HSA E-mail Directory
International Coalition for Religious Freedom
Kahr Arms
Manhattan Center Studios
Religious Youth Service
Unification Movement in Italy
Unification Movement (EnhetsBevegelsen)in Norway
Special Task Force USA
New Hope Academy
Urban Grocery
Unification Movement in Europe (Paul Ettl)
Divine Principles
FFWPU Finnish
FFWPU French
IRFF Italy
FFWPU Macedonia
FFWPU Lithuania
FFWPU Norwegian
FFWPU Portuguese
FFWPU Russia
FFWPU Turkish
FFWPU Spanish
The Ten Biggest Myths

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